Thursday, January 17, 2013

ABC Family: Pretty Little Liars, Shay Mitchell Drawing

This was my mark for me to start selling drawings.  And to draw portraits for other people.  So I thought I would share it.  I spent about 4 days on this drawing.  I wanted it to be perfect and this was the first drawing that I drew in about 3 years.  So this Shay Mitchell drawing I will not be selling, but I do plan on drawing 2 more of her.

Outline of Shay Mitchell and eyes done.  Most people like to draw extra lines and markings on there drawings.  I guess those are there guides.  But I don't use guides.  I just sketch the outline and then fill in what I see.  I was never good with having extra lines and stuff as my guide on my drawings, it just threw me off.
Half of Shay Mitchell's face finished.  usually I would have done her eyes, nose and then lips. But because this was some what of a side view of her face, I didn't feel comfortable approaching the drawing that way.  Approaching the drawing from the left side of the face, made it visible that the face was forming in a more 3D realistic way.  And sorry about the glare, that's the one bad thing about using graphite and taking a picture of it.
Her face some what finished.  When I got towards the end I darken her face a lil bit.

Her shoulder and chest area finished.

First Layer of her hair added on.  What I mean by that is I try to apply as much of the shadowing in her hair that I can see. and then I make strokes in her hair, like a bunch of lines.  And then I go over all those strokes and smudge them in to create a solid.  With that being done, I should be able to see most of the shadows that I applied and some of the lines to give a guide in how her hair is flowing.
Finished (01/17/13) drawing the beautiful Shay Mitchell from ABC Family, Pretty Little Liars.  Her hair is darker in person. 

If you like my drawing and have any suggestions in who I should draw, just leave me a comment.  Also, if you want your own personal drawing, I can do that, with a price of course.  I am very fair with my prices.  If you want a 8.5 in. x 11 in. drawing.  The starting price will be $10.00.  If you want two faces on that same size paper it will be $20.  I do not draw more than two faces on a 8.5 in. x 11 in. paper.  For a drawing on a 11 in. x 14 in. paper, the starting price will be $40.00 and an additional $10 per head.  If you are interested please leave me a comment and we will continue from there.

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